
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Tone Deaf

Since the dawn of time... people have fretted over the inability to read tone in e-mails. They have compensated by adding in smilies and anti-smilies (:-) ;-) :-( :-/). They have attempted to overcome this tone deaf deficiency by adding nagging, constant descriptions and abbreviations to inform on what they might be doing at that given moment, if they weren't actually lying the entire time ( "Look! I'm smiling!" J.K. "I'm not really smiling!" LOL "Your gullibility makes me laugh out loud!").

People are stupid.

You know what? I like the fact that it's hard to read the tone in e-mails. That way I can turn those complaining parent e-mail frowns upside-down. Please, let me demonstrate:
"I was shocked. I couldn't understand this sample thesis statement! It looked like a college level paper!"

Why thank you. I do try to get them to go beyond the minimum. In my class they are encouraged to strive--what's that? Oh, I'm too hard.
"A 1,500 word analysis in a single grading period seems impossible."

That's right. It is a load of grading for me to finish before the marking period, but the kids are worth it. I appreciate your concern, but I'll fight through like I always do. Plus, it helps this year's students realize that they are able to work past what they thought might be their limitations--Huh? Oh, it's too hard.
"There are many versions of Huck Finn out there to watch."

I agree. Students need to be careful not to be dependent on film versions. Many times the author's intentions and message are--Pardon me? Well, I guess I do have many options to substitute for actually reading the book. I never thought of it that way. You're right. JTT is a cutie-pie.

Ah, tone free e-mails--they make the spam bearable.

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[ Recent Posts ]

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~Teachers are meant not to be seen or heard.

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All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. That's our story and we're sticking to it.