Is that your paradigm shifting or are you just happy to see me?
I went to a grant-writing workshop over the weekend. My mind wandered like always, especially when the instructor got to this one point. He spoke of the importance of using so-called "buzzwords" in the grant proposal. His argument was that using these words could increase grant amounts significantly. I started thinking that's probably the genesis of meta-metacognition. Some lazy grant writer, buzzworded (I know. It's a buzzword. I'm guilty.) a buzzword and now the human race is subjected to such a stupid word.
The next thing the instructor said really got my mind racing, or should I say racy. He commented on how buzzwords work because they are sexy. That's when I had an epiphany. Why don't we just combine buzzwords with innuendos? If sex sells and we're selling something, then why not?
Try these on for size:
Sleeker learning communities (Sleek is sexy, right?)
The Bodunkadunk 6
Mindtools (Oddly, no alteration is needed.)
The Sixxx Traits
Heaving Accountability
Awhh, sooki sooki now!
The next thing the instructor said really got my mind racing, or should I say racy. He commented on how buzzwords work because they are sexy. That's when I had an epiphany. Why don't we just combine buzzwords with innuendos? If sex sells and we're selling something, then why not?
Try these on for size:
Sleeker learning communities (Sleek is sexy, right?)
The Bodunkadunk 6
Mindtools (Oddly, no alteration is needed.)
The Sixxx Traits
Heaving Accountability
Awhh, sooki sooki now!