Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!
What to do? What to do? It's the end of the semester and I've got a bunch of students on the outside, looking in on the whole pass/fail situation. You know, there's a faction out there that would alieviate the problem by dropping the lowest grade. Sorry, that's a no-can-do. If I'm going to spend all that time grading 150 assignments (110 because 40 of them won't even do it), then I'm not going to drop them. Why should I give them a free pass when I work so hard and they don't? I mean we are talking about advancing to the next grade level.
I am all for a compromise though. Let's say I'll drop the grade, if and only if--I get to slap them. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about anything "violent-violent," but, you know, "Three Stooges violent." You know, I could stick my fist out and tell the student to hit it to where I do that windmill punch to the top of their noggin. Throw in a bit of eye poking and put a few wrenches to some noses, then I'll be aces.
Grades would be dropping left and right.
I am all for a compromise though. Let's say I'll drop the grade, if and only if--I get to slap them. Don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about anything "violent-violent," but, you know, "Three Stooges violent." You know, I could stick my fist out and tell the student to hit it to where I do that windmill punch to the top of their noggin. Throw in a bit of eye poking and put a few wrenches to some noses, then I'll be aces.
Grades would be dropping left and right.